New Linux IP Update Client released! New Linux IP Update Clien...

New Linux IP Update Client released!


We have released a new build of the Dynu IP Update Client for Linux. IP update client for Linux runs as a system service (systemd) and supports IPv4 and IPv6 updates. The install packages are available in .deb and .rpm and work on most Linux platforms including Red Hat Enterprise Linux such as Alma Linux, CentOS stream, Fedora, Debian as well as Ubuntu.

New Release

Packed with new features

We are always connected to our customers and listen to their feedback to improve our services. The new version of the Linux client incorporated the advanced features of the Windows client and allows custom settings such as log level, connection type, designated IP address etc.

IUC documentation

Our IUC has advanced features and does more than just update your IP addresses. We are providing detailed documentation on how to configure and use the client software to exploit its full potential. If you need guidance to get started, you should be heading to the documentation page.

System service that runs in the background

IP update client for Linux runs as a system service (systemd) and supports IPv4 and IPv6 updates. Users can use the group feature to update a specific collection of hostnames.

You may refer to the documentation page for more information. You are most welcome to leave feedback if you have any suggestions or comments!

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